Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day - Gallery

It was my first time participating in World Pinhole Photography Day even though I've been shooting pinhole cameras off and on for over 5 years now. It's only just been brought to my attention in the last couple of weeks of this great event now in it's 20th year. Where have I been??

I headed out just after sunrise on April 26th to photograph some scenes I had mentally planned out on Saturday night. It was a beautiful morning, clear with a few clouds here and there to add a little texture to the sky.

I had considered doing some indoor scenes, but the weather was amazing and that early on a sunday morning there was nobody around making it safe to be out walking around in public areas.

As usual, I used my ONDU 6x9 classic, I like the look I get from that camera. I exposed the first of 32 photographs at 6:58 am and the last about 10:15 am or so. Then it was time for a nap!

I made a short-list of my 12 favourites on the day to help decide which one to send off to the World Pinhole Photography Day gallery. After some consultation with a close friend and muse we narrowed it down to 2, ultimately deciding on the Peace Bridge photo for the gallery. I've included all 12 below.

My submission photograph on the pinhole day gallery is here:
