Ansel, my transport Pod and Pinhole Practice Day

I took Friday off to get out of the city for a few hours, lately things are weird in down-town Calgary, real weird.

Once again, Ansel, the 2010 Civic came to the rescue. Travelling alone in Ansel, bringing food and beverage along and using pay at the pump for gasoline ensures self isolation so I remain safe. If Iā€™m being completely honest here, this is no different than a normal field trip for me, I always do these things. The one exception is where if things get carried away and it gets too late I would normally grab a hotel, on these trips I have been making sure to make it home to avoid possible exposure at hotels on the way.

World Pinhole Photography Day is tomorrow (as of this post) so to follow-up on my indoor practice with my ONDU 6x9 last week I decided to go see the countryside and shoot a few rolls on the pinhole camera. This time I went south of Calgary stopping at small towns on the way to Fort McLeod. Stops included Nanton, Stavely, Granum, Monarch and Fort McLeod.

What I captured I normally would struggle to get without having people in the shots, and although there were a few people around, it's not what I know of the normally vibrant small communities in Southern Alberta. Surreal.

Photographs in the gallery below were shot with my ONDU 6x9 pinhole camera, the color shots on Kodak Ektar 100, the black and white photographs were shot on Ilford XP2 400 film both developed in fresh C41 chemistry.

I'm planning a full day with the ONDU 6x9 tomorrow to celebrate one of photography's more obscure celebrations with the goal of getting one keeper shot to submit to the online gallery. I have mapped out in my mind some location to get too early, along the Bow RIver and East Village and maybe the the normally busy 17th Avenue Red Mile and Beltine. We shall see what tomorrow brings.
