Fort McLeod & Highway 23

Happy New Year! January 2 was the first road trip of the year.

We headed out looking for an old box camera that will provide 3x4 negatives. Film is not available for these old cameras anymore but they make amazing negatives using standard RC paper cut and sized to fit the camera. We found success in the antique section of the Candy Store in Nanton! I’m preparing a post on this process with results, so, more on this later!

The day had turned nice so we ventured further south to Fort McLeod to check a favourite antique shop there, but sadly it was closed. No concern! The weather was fine so out came the cameras for a few shots and on to Highway 23 for the return to Calgary. Carmenguay, Champion and Vulcan are small towns along highway 23, always worthy of a stop to see what’s new, a quick snack, or just to use a restroom. It was a short tour, but nice to get out and see the country early in the year. More of these trips to come in 2020, I sense a project here someplace.

We shot some film and some digital, I’ve included a few of the digital photographs here, the film was Ortho Plus 80, which I’ve never shot before, so NEW!! The negatives look good, I’ll be making a few prints to see the results, I’ll share some of those when they are done! I’m enjoying mixing digital and film at the moment, probably swing back towards using film more as the winter progresses, we shall see.

Have a great 2020! Enjoy these