Transportation in Egypt - Revisited

This is the second post from the re-visited original 2017 post on my time in Egypt. I think this is better than the original.

After reviewing these photographs, my opinion now and in 2017 when doing the original post and I clearly remember even back in 2010, is the same. These people are crazy, at least on the principles of modern transportation. I was amazed I didn’t see more accidents, although there was evidence to suggest they do happen and from the wreckage clearly the accidents are severe. Whenever I’m caught in traffic here in North America I just reflect back on what I experienced in Egypt. Life is good.

It was re-assuring to see the people of the land still using carts, it makes me want to return to simpler times. Funny they never seemed to be caught up in the never ending traffic jams found everywhere in Egypt. I think they may have it all figured out.

I don’t have much more to add, I’ll let the photographs speak for themselves! I’m working on a post on my time in Jordan, another amazing segment of the same trip, perhaps for posting in a few weeks.


The March of the Penguins (in February)

A few years back while out on adventure in Grasslands National Park in southern Saskatchewan we came across a bunch of Calgary Zoo vehicles. That's when I found out about all of the real world conservation work the Calgary Zoo takes on. That summer was all about Burrowing Owls if I remember it right. The Zoo does way more than just Burrowing Owls. I've had a membership ever since, it's important to support the conservation work the Calgary Zoo takes on.

It's been a while since I've been to the zoo to see the penguins on their daily walk down to the bridge, the temperature needs to be just right, so it's not a sure thing to see.

Last Sunday was grey and a little snowy but it was right near freezing, right in the zone where the penguins like to walk. After breakfast I grabbed the digital camera to allow some exposure latitude for some inside shots as well and headed for the bus. Parking is also included in the membership, but for this trip I opted for transit, Sunday is a decent day for transit in Calgary if you catch the schedule right.

There were some crowds along the fence where the penguins walk but overall it wasn't overly crowded at the zoo for a Sunday, due to the grey overcast day I expect. Having a membership is also means I don't need to see everything on every trip to the zoo. Last Sunday was such a day, I made it as far as the butterfly house and then headed for home.

I'm pretty happy with the photographs I shot on the day, a few favourites included below.


Life in Egypt - Revisited

I had done a post back in 2017 on life in Egypt before I really knew what this blog would be. I’m not sure I know even now, but it is more than the 2017 vision to be sure, I’m inspired by a good friend who makes amazing photographs, is passionate about photography and who teaches me something new every time photographs are shared. It’s made me want to re-visit some of these old posts and make them the best they can be.

The original post grouped photographs on life in Egypt with photographs on transportation and electricity. For this 2020 re-visit I’m going to split the original into 2 posts, life and transportation with a little commentary and reflection that 10 years of brings to a trip like this.

I spent 6 weeks in Egypt and Jordan at the end of 2010 and to be honest didn’t have a lot of focus on anything in particular. What's unique about the time I was in Egypt is that it was right at the end of the time that Hosni Mubarak was President, in fact, I was in Cairo on November 28th, the date of the last election before the Egyptian Revolution in early 2011.

I went to all the most famous spots, I have photographs of all of that, but so does everybody else who has ever gone to Egypt. I don’t think that shows what life is really like there, at least then, it’s changed some with the revolution I expect, maybe not.

Before 2017 I really hadn’t looked at any of the photographs since 2011, my favorites in 2017 and even now were not my favorites in early 2011. What I found in 2017 and recently confirmed, in my mind anyways, is a set of photographs that shows real life away from the tourist spots.

The poverty is real, so are the people, Egyptians are some of the most accepting and genuine people I have ever met. My Egyptian friends in Canada confirm that thought every time I see them.

I’m working on a re-visit of the transportation situation in Egypt that I’ll post next, and a little farther out I’ll do a post on my time in Jordan, another amazing segment of the same trip.
