The March of the Penguins (in February)

A few years back while out on adventure in Grasslands National Park in southern Saskatchewan we came across a bunch of Calgary Zoo vehicles. That's when I found out about all of the real world conservation work the Calgary Zoo takes on. That summer was all about Burrowing Owls if I remember it right. The Zoo does way more than just Burrowing Owls. I've had a membership ever since, it's important to support the conservation work the Calgary Zoo takes on.

It's been a while since I've been to the zoo to see the penguins on their daily walk down to the bridge, the temperature needs to be just right, so it's not a sure thing to see.

Last Sunday was grey and a little snowy but it was right near freezing, right in the zone where the penguins like to walk. After breakfast I grabbed the digital camera to allow some exposure latitude for some inside shots as well and headed for the bus. Parking is also included in the membership, but for this trip I opted for transit, Sunday is a decent day for transit in Calgary if you catch the schedule right.

There were some crowds along the fence where the penguins walk but overall it wasn't overly crowded at the zoo for a Sunday, due to the grey overcast day I expect. Having a membership is also means I don't need to see everything on every trip to the zoo. Last Sunday was such a day, I made it as far as the butterfly house and then headed for home.

I'm pretty happy with the photographs I shot on the day, a few favourites included below.
