Some more Calgary Beltline and the Kodak Jiffy 620

Here are a few more shots from the Beltline area of Calgary that I made over the Easter weekend with my Kodak Jiffy 620 camera, this time with a couple of rolls of Kodachrome 64. 

The framing on this camera is, as mentioned previously, challenging. I think I'm getting the feel for it even if a few of these shots don't quite show that I might know what's going on.

I like the look the combination of Kodachrome and the Kodak Jiffy 620 camera gave me on this outing. I think someone gave me the term "vintage-y". I think I agree. 

I think the next test with the Jiffy is to try a couple of rolls of HP5. "What?!" you are probably saying as you read this. How in the heck do you expect to make photographs on a camera in daylight using a 400 speed film and a 1/50 sec exposure time and limited aperture settings? 

Well, last year I obtained a large supply of Kodak Microdol X developer for free. Very old and very expired. Kodak used to package this developer in metal cans, so they have been preserved very well. The trick is to develop the HP5 in Microdol X to 50 ASA. The times are listed in the Massive Dev Chart. Time will tell if this combination works, but if so, I can use my standard film in a very old camera!

Until next time,

Tompkins Park at 17th Ave and 8th St SW Calgary

Last Saturday, April 8th I took a couple of rolls of expired Kodak Vericolor 120 film re-spooled on 620 film spools and went for a walk down to Tompkins park to see what was going on.

I shot the film in a 1933 Kodak Jiffy 6-20 camera that is becoming a favourite of mine to shoot with. The shutter speed is unknown except that it's probably around 1/50th of a second and the default aperture is F8. There are two other settings, F11 and F16 set by pulling a lever below the bellows of the camera.

The expired Vericolor film has a box speed of 160 ASA, but since it expired in 1985 or so the ASA is probably more like 80 or so. Perfect for a larger aperture and slow shutter speed! I made these photographs as practice to better learn the characteristics of this wonderful old classic camera.

Below are the results of my little practice session, no edits other than some minor cropping and dust removal, the color is as it came out of the camera.


SEITES Magazine Submissions Posted

Finally making some progress on curating some galleries! These collections were pretty much self curated as they are submissions I've made to SEITIES Magazine. Featured currently are:

  • Theme Portrait
  • Theme Music
  • Theme Macabre
  • Theme Nude

Theme Portrait never actually got submitted, Unfortunately I had work commitments and missed the submission deadline, but I thought I would exhibit the portfolio here anyways.




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