Waterton Park Photography - Nature Recovers

It's been a while since I posted any new photography!

Pretty much August and September have been outside adventure months for me with very limited processing of film or digital raw files. That will come through the fall and winter, I'm hoping for some happy surprises in the Rocky Mountain adventures of the last couple of months.

This past weekend I ventured down to Waterton Park for the first time since the massive Kenow Fire in 2017. I only has a short time in the park available so I headed up the Red Rock Parkway to see what things were looking like 3 years later.  The first 4 photographs were shot on the way to Waterton south of Pincher Creek,  the rest were shot out on the road to Red Rock Canyon

The Kenow Wildfire was started by a lightening storm west of Waterton Park on August 30th 2017 and by September 11, 2017 the park was burning within Waterton Park ultimately scorching 38% of the parks area by the time it was done.

On the Red Rock Parkway, the Crandell Mountain Campground and many buildings at Canyon Youth Camp adjacent to the Crandell Campground, were destroyed by the fire. As you can see in the photographs, nature is starting to recover from the Kenow fire on the Red Rock Parkway. Next time down I'll try and see other areas of the park, Waterton is as beautiful as ever, it's in an early seral stage in nature's plan.

This set of photographs were shot on my digital camera, I did shoot some film as well that will have a slightly different look I think, but for now, Iā€™m not disappointed with these shots.

This quick trip to Waterton Park has me energized to start looking at some of the photography I've shot over the last two months, I'll start posting some of the better ones soon.
