These are photographs I made while touring Egypt in 2010. I did tour all the ancient sites, and have photographs of those, but so does everyone else who has ever been to Egypt.
What's unique about the time I was in Egypt is that it was right at the end of the time that Hosni Mubarak was President, in fact, I was in Cairo on November 28th, the date of the last election before the Egyptian Revolution in early 2011.
Dean Chartier
Life in Egypt
Egyptian Transportation

Traffic in Heliopolis

City bus in Heliopolis

The Bug in Opera Square

Cyro Tours near Tahrir Square

Taxi near Downtown Cairo

Commuter on the Cairo Ring Road

Freight on the Road to Alexandria

School bus on the Road to Alexandria

Local freight in Alexandria

Cart in Luxor

The METRO in Helwan

Family in Helwan